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Patient Navigation Screening Application
In September 2021, WBCI and the Wyoming Cancer Program (WCP) proudly introduced a coordinated effort to increase breast cancer screening and early detection rates in Wyoming. The unique partnership offers one consolidated application available in English and Spanish that can easily determine eligibility for state-funded cancer screening services such as colonoscopies, mammograms, and Pap tests.
This uncommon partnership provides a seamless link to WBCI’s non-profit funds for the men and women who “fall between the lines” of needing early detection services, not being able to afford one, and being ineligible for the state-funded Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCSP). WBCI funds have provided a breast cancer early detection safety net for thousands of Wyoming residents in financial need without any restrictions on income, age, gender, or insurance status.
Use the buttons below to go to the application.
Patient Navigation Breast Screening Applications
Prevent Cancer Foundation’s
Breast Health Education for Young Women
Prevent Cancer Foundation (PCF) is a proud funder of the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative. PCF has announced their recently revised Breast Health Education for Young Women Facilitator’s Guide/ Guía de educación sobre la salud de los senos para mujeres jóvenes, available in Spanish or in English, encourages breast health education all year long! The revised guide is available as a free download.
The Breast Health Education for Young Women Facilitator’s Guide was developed by the Prevent Cancer Foundation in partnership with Howard University Cancer Center.
The guide is for use in interactive group sessions — whether in person or virtual — to broaden and deepen breast health education for all young women, however, they define their sex or gender.
Updated in 2020, this user-friendly educational tool has been used in communities far and wide to reach young women with information about breast health and breast cancer—and to encourage information sharing with female relatives who are age-appropriate for screening.
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The Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative is supported by the community and people just like you. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative by donating to our cause, please click below.